So, first of all, of course, you need an account at Boxstr (click it to go to the site). Do insert “mmubashar” in your Referral box when registration as appreciation to this tute Now that you have the account, get yourself used to the system there. It’s pretty simple. Upload your favourite songs to the website. Create folders if you must for better management. Once you have done that, follow the following procedure..
upload own music to friendster profile
This simple tutorial is going to be a lot of fun and at the end of it, you can start uploading your own songs, make a playlist of it and share it with your friends..Now how cool is that?
As you select the songs, the tick icon will become highlighted to show that it’ll be added to the list..
Step 2 : Get the code for your Friendster / MySpace
Now once you have selected the songs, click on “Get Code” as directed in the image above..Then you will be taken to the next page as in the image (Again, click to enlarge):
Click on the “Music (For MySpace, Etc.)” and the code will be automatically generated for you..All you have to do is to copy the whole code in the text box, and paste it in your MySpace or Friendster..Now, once you have pasted it there, visit your Friendster / MySpace page and check out the music playing in the background..Cool aint it? Now that you’ve done it, spread the word to your friend